Monday, December 28, 2009

Someone Sounds Unstable

"From Hedgesville:

Would someone please inform the idiots on Interstate 81 that the left lane is for passing slower-moving traffic and not for use by slower traffic or by drivers who are sightseeing. It's ridiculous that you folks complain about tailgating when you literally have 20 to 30 cars piled up behind you. Do you ever stop and think that since you are holding up traffic that maybe you are the one with the problem? Learn how to drive, or keep your horse and buggy in the barn."

Sounds good Hedgesville. Let's keep the buggies on the backroads, so the I-81 runway is clear for the Lears.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tiger + Cougar = Cheetah. Oh My!

"From Martinsburg:

I am just calling about this whole Tiger Wood thing: People are already getting tired of hearing it. Instead of calling him Tiger, I think we just need to start calling him cheetah."

It's a jungle out there!



A Royal Flush

"From Inwood:

To the caller from Inwood with the commode lid decision to make: This is a very, very septic problem that should be put in the hands of pros. Surely the United States Senate members are the only ones qualified to flush out this mess."

Amazing. Truly Amazing. Hats off (or should I say seat down) to you Inwood, you win.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Bed and Badger

"From Glengary:
 What's up with the Panhandle's bed and breakfasts and hotels and their irrational animal racism? My mother's Christmas visit isn't going to be very merry if I can't find a place willing to take a chance on a miniature badger. It makes me want to vomit!"

Let me get this straight: you're looking for lodging for this guy?

Why can't this cuddly little bundle of fur stay at YOUR house, Glengary?

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Commode Conundrum Continues

I'm giving "Hedgesville" the benefit of the doubt here and assuming this JJ is dripping with sarcasm.

From Hedgesville:

For the Inwood caller who (understandably) finds indoor plumbing confusing, the "proper" position for the commode seat when not in use is seat up/lid down.

Regardless, I can't wait for when--not if, definitely when--someone submits a JJ explaining the difference between the toilet lid and the toilet seat, since "Hedgesville" obviously doesn't know the difference.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

More Than a Dirty Shame

"From Jefferson County:

To whoever was in charge of the Christmas parade lineup for Shepherdstown: I think it was a dirty shame that you had the horses before the bands. Their waste was all over the road and some of the kids almost stepped in it. From now on, I wish they would put the horses at the end of the parade."

Sounds like it was more than the shame that was dirty.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Potty Talk

There aren't even words for this one...

"From Inwood:

Our family recently had a discussion on the position of the commode seat in our bathroom when it was not in use. Is it proper for both the seat and lid to be up or down, or should the lid be up and the seat down? Thank you for your advice."

But there is a picture:


Hi Pot, Meet Kettle

"From Martinsburg:
 Journal Junction callers sure do have a lot of time on their hands."

So if Journal Junction callers have too much time on their hands, and I am reading your comment in Journal Junction, than that means that you too, Martinsburg, have too much time on your hands.

Show and Tell with Sergeant Squirrel

"From Berkeley County:

Could someone in the Eastern Panhandle please enlighten me as to how a nutcase can buy or own a gun?"

I bet this guy could help you out:

Friday, December 11, 2009

Lessons in Loungewear

"From Martinsburg:

I see where those who have totally given up on their wardrobes and used to wear sweat pants now are running through the stores in lounge pants or as some people call them, sleep pants. Which is just what they are for, lounging at your house or sleeping, not shopping at the grocery store or going to Walmart. So get a grip and stay at home in the recliner on the porch or put some real clothes on before you go out."

Alright Martinsburg, time for a little fashion lesson. First of all, there is a BIG difference between loungewear and sleepwear--think Juicy Couture versus Joe Boxer.  Not to mention, if you do indeed believe that sweat pants are preferable to lounge pants, I ask you to examine Exhibits A and B below.
Exhibit A: Lounge Pants

Exhibit B: Sweat Pants

Now tell me again which you would rather run into at Wally World?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Driver's Ed: WV Style

"From Hedgesville:

After living here for a few years, I finally found out the "rules" of driving. Never let anyone out - either the person behind you gets mad or the person you let out never thanks you. Drive as close as you can to the person in front of you, and if they don't go faster, yell out the window. ... Speed as fast as possible. ... Never get over on a narrow street, the other vehicle will. ..."

If you have any tips or tales about driving in WV, feel free to share them in the comment section!

Oh No They Didn't

Oh yes they did!

"From Martinsburg:

It's called a recession when your neighbor gets laid off. It's called a depression when you get laid off. It will be called an economic recovery when Barack Obama loses his job."

I know I said I would do my best to stay out of politics--at the National level anyway--but I just couldn't resist posting this one.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bah Humbug

I feel the Christmas in Shepherdstown celebration should have been canceled. This event is a waste of time, a waste of the town's money and a waste of the resources. This should be discontinued permanently."

Apparently Scrooge moved to Shepherdstown.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Feuding Flags

After 3 JJ posts, I finally drove past Essroc to see for myself what the deal was with these flags. For the record, I'm 99.9% sure they're actually the same height...

Journal Junction, November 27, 2009

"From Harpers Ferry:

Take a drive into Martinsburg by the K-Mart. Then have a long look at the flag flying on the top of the huge tower that belongs to the concrete or whatever company. It's a Mexican flag and it is higher than the American flag! Does anyone else see a problem with this?"

Journal Junction, December 5, 2009

"From Martinsburg;
 To Harpers Ferry caller: That is an Italian flag flying over Essroc, which is an Italian company. Learn your flags!"

Journal Junction, December 7, 2009

"From Martinsburg:

The concrete plant has an Italian flag flying from the top of the tower. Maybe you should educate yourself on the flags of the world, before you go spouting off about something you "know." The tower is an eyesore, not the flag."



To defend Harpers Ferry (which I can't believe I'm doing) the Mexican and Italian flags do look similar. I would imagine this is especially true when you're speeding down Route 9, drinking Starbucks, talking on your cell phone, craning your neck out the car window, looking for a complaint to submit to Journal Junction.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sleeping Kitty, Hidden Doggy

"From Gerrardstown:

To the caller concerned about the disappearing cats in Martinsburg: Here's your tip: It is the "cat napper" (sic)."

Touché Gerrardstown. Cat Burglar would have been the obvious choice, but you have exceeded DJ expectations with your retort. The cat napping comment is creative and you used a "sic" *swoon*.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Sarah Palin Cheesecake?

"From Berkeley Springs:

The Sarah Palin cheesecake makes more sense than global warming and carbon dioxide pollution."

Do you by chance have the recipe for that? From your description I'm hoping it's no-bake and organic! Why just today I found a recipe for Hillary Clinton Russian Tea Cakes; I wonder if Sarah Palin can see those from her house???

It's More Than a Feeling

Did I not promise quality JJ's during Hunting Season?

"From Berkeley Springs:

Seems the Chestnut Hill Road caller equates liking country life with also liking the killing, maiming and torture of our wildlife. You people destroy all that is beautiful in our world. Remember one thing, the wildlife belongs to all of us and many of us hate your recreational feeling."

Every time I read this entry, I get that Boston song stuck in my head: only my version goes something like this:

I looked out this morning and the fog was gone
Put on some camo to start my day
I lost myself in a familiar woods
I load my gun and I hike away
It's more than a feeling
(More than a feeling)
When I see that the first deer of the day
(More than a feeling)
I begin aiming
(More than a feeling)
'Til I see that 12 point run away
So many whitetail have come and gone
Their antlers grow as the years go by
Yet I still recall as I wander on
As clear as the sites on my .45
It's more than a feeling
When I'm tired and getting cold
I hide in my treestand, forget the day
And dream of what could be on my wall
I closed my eyes and he gets away
He gets away
It's more than a feeling
(More than a feeling)
When I see that the first deer of the day
(More than a feeling)
I begin aiming
(More than a feeling)
'Til I see that 12 point run away
(More than a feeling)
When I see that the first deer of the day
(More than a feeling)
I begin aiming
(More than a feeling)
'Til I see that 12 point run away

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bambi--It's What's for Dinner

"From Martinsburg:

To the caller from Martinsburg: Don't worry, I won't shoot the small bucks. I will leave them for you or until they grow big. I will shoot the does, they are better eating."

I wish all hunters a safe and happy hunting season, and I encourage all of the anti-hunting crowd to please, PLEASE voice your concerns via Journal Junction. I think some of my all-time favorite JJ's have appeared around this time of year: remember the great debate over crosswalks for deer? I rest my case.

He Said, That She Said, That They Said

"From Charles Town:

To the person confused about South Jefferson Elementary: Keri Mahoney is the head teacher. Is Obama "president" or "commander in chief"? ... Now, about the "Red Zone." Were you aware that South Jefferson has literally doubled in size in the last few years? ... The students need to be guided to specials and lunch, usually several classrooms at a time, and maintaining a quiet "no talking" rule has served its purpose well this year. ..."

Who? What?? Huh??? I read this one several times over breakfast, and even after 3 cups of coffee I was still confused. Exactly how many JJ's is this person responding to? Not to mention, are there actually any properly structured sentences in their comment?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Car Wars: Shannondale Snaps Back

On November 12 "Martinsburg" laid down the gauntlet:

"From Martinsburg:

I have owned 10 cars in my life, and every one of them was made by an American company in America by Americans. How many other Americans can say that?"

Today, "Shannondale" threw it right back at 'em:

"From Shannondale:

To the Martinsburg caller who has owned 10 American-made cars: I have only owned a couple of cars in my life and I am 50 years old. The reason that I have only owned a couple is because they were made in Japan."


Friday, November 20, 2009

Mystery Mastodon

I love when after 3 weeks or so, someone finally snaps and tells it like it is. Hopefully this JJ puts an end to the school lunch saga.

It is a well-known fact that school lunches are just gross. They have been gross since the beginning of time, cavemen probably ate gross lunches. So to all the people that are acting like this is something new: I am sure that you ate nasty school lunches and your parents never called in whining and complaining. If you are that concerned about them do as I do and pack your child's lunch so you will know it is good and healthy.

DJ salutes you "Charles Town" for your witty, straightforward, sarcastic (but not too sarcastic) retort.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Surkamp's "Blue Moon" Trumps Twilight's "New Moon"

And the Jim Surkamp saga continues: today's JJ devoted 4 whole entries to him! Tragically, only one of those was actually DJ-worthy.

"From Ranson:

Anyone who believes Jim Surkamp's explanation of why he tried to vote twice in the zoning election will believe that the moon is made of green cheese."

Silly Ranson, everyone knows that the moon is made of BLUE cheese.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lake of Fire: Commercial or Residential?

From Middleway:

I want to thank the Godly people in Jefferson County who voted no for the zoning. I am a devoted Christian and a true believer in God. All I can say is God made it all possible. Thanks again, and may God bless you.

So what exactly does that make the people who voted for zoning?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Vote Early and Vote Often

"Vote early and often, unless you're a [fill in opposing party] then you vote on Wednesday."

"From Harpers Ferry:

In regard to Jim Surkamp trying to vote twice on that referendum because he wanted to see how the system works: I think maybe we need to show him how the system works, and that voting twice is illegal."

Local political scandals are truly like front page Journal Junctions.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Mothman!

Thanks to The Journal for the heads-up that this month marks the 43rd birthday of Mothman: who is perhaps my favorite piece of West Virginia folklore.

If Wikipedia is accurate (which is laughable) his birthday was actually November 12, 1966, so I'm a few days late. Hopefully, though, this rather frightening "cryptid" won't hold that against me and show up rap tap tapping at my window tonight.

Since there aren't any gift guides out for "What to get your Mothman for under $20" I suggest reading the book or watching the movie, and just have a good old fright in his horror--I mean honor.


Big Brother Needs a MLA Guide

Anyone who believes that you have total control over their computer is not facing reality."

If Big Brother is indeed controlling your computer, I'd think the least he could do is fix your grammar.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Trains, Planes, or Tyra Banks?

"From Martinsburg:

Does anyone know where I can get models repaired?"

Dear Martinsburg, could you be any more vague? For all we know you could be in the market for anything from Botox to a new caboose.

Monday, November 9, 2009

BYO Phone Book

"From Ranson:

To the Berkeley County caller: If the Jefferson County commission has to pay Leslie Smith anything close to a half of million dollar settlement, you may have to revert to corncob or Bring Your Own Toilet Paper."

We're civilized here in the Eastern Panhandle; we prefer Yellow Pages to corncobs.

And it looks like the way things are progressing in JCo. they're going to have to change the Yellow Pages slogan from "let your fingers do the walking."

Friday, November 6, 2009

You Think You Know, But You Have No Idea

"From South Berkeley County:

To the person or people complaining about school lunches being chicken or fish: You should be thankful that you know it is chicken or fish. When I was in school, we had something that would be brown that we were told was mystery meat."

My question is: do you really know that it's chicken or fish? How many times have you heard the phrase "tastes just like chicken"? Just something to think about...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wanted: Gnome-nappers

"From Martinsburg:

To the deserving people who took 18 of my collection of gnomes: I'm so sorry to take the fun out of your stealing games, but I took the remainder of them inside. I would rather have given them to you if you'd have asked. Once a thief, always a thief. God help you. He knows who you are."

What's more bizarre than having 18+ gnomes in your yard? Finding 163,000 Google results for "gnome napping."

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Welcome to the Cesspool

From Jefferson County:

This nation is slowly sliding into a cesspool of extinction.

...and Journal Junction is the diving board.

It Pays to Get Fired

From Charles Town:

Would the Jefferson County commissioners please fire me? I could really use the $600,000.

Who needs table games when you can just get fired?!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I Prefer My TP Perforated

From Berkeley County:

Since the Jefferson County Commission micromanages everything in the county including building projects, are the restrooms in public buildings going to be equipped with detachable, perforated toilet paper or that annoying pull and rip variety? Further study may be needed.

I'm willing to wager that there will be at least one JJ response where someone takes this issue seriously.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Please Fact Check

From Inwood:

I understand now how President Barack Obama got elected after reading some of the comments in Journal Junction. Some people will believe anything.

Whether you are on team O or not: West Virginia went for McCain, which kind of ruins your theory.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


From Hedgesville:

In reference to the northbound exit ramp at Exit 20 on Interstate 81: Vehicles turning east at the light are not stopping for the red light. This is extremely dangerous.

To the good people of the Eastern Panhandle: this is the best you can do? Come now, I know you have better (read: more entertaining) things to complain about than exit ramps.

While JJ has been snoozeville the past few days, I'm glad to see that the Martinsburg Police Department's blog, is still good for a chuckle or two. Speaking of laughing, what's with the happy mugshots? Did someone hire Captain Kangaroo to be the photographer? The only thing this fool should be happy about, is the fact that West Virginia doesn't have the death penalty (Photo: Martinsburg Journal).

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This isn't the Oscars

From Ranson:

My 94 year-old grandmother wanted me to send this. She says she is tired of hearing all the complaints that go in Journal Junction. She wants to hear something positive for a change. Let's commend the military personnel, firefighters and police officers who risk their lives so that we don't have to live in fear. Thank the doctors for saving lives, and applaud those in the school systems who teach our children to grow up to be educated so that they can one day give back to their communities as well.

Oh Grandma, JJ frequently has entries that acknowledge good deeds, jobs well done, and some even promote charitable donations (i.e. replacing a girl's stolen bicycle). But let's be honest: no one wants to sit down and read a bunch of sappy thank you notes over coffee, so save your "thank you's" for the Academy Awards.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Table Games on the Table: Know Your Voters

From Charles Town:

Charles Town Races & Slots wants the people to vote in table games, but what about the people who are out there who already have a gambling problem?

Call me crazy, but I bet they vote "Yes."

Monday, October 26, 2009

It's Called Sarcasm--Get It?

From Falling Waters:

In response to the Falling Waters person commenting on my comment about blinkers being an optional accessory: Of course it was a joke! My 7-year-old knows sarcasm when she hears it. I hope that no one in the Eastern Panhandle actually thinks that this comment was meant to be serious. My apologies if it was taken as such!
Did this person ever stop to consider that perhaps the responses were sarcastic as well?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hot Diggity Dog

Today's JJ had not one, not two, but 3 entries devoted to hot dogs. Why you ask? They all stemmed from this comment on October 21:

From Berkeley County:
This past weekend was a holiday weekend, Columbus Day, and there were no hot dogs or anything at the rest areas. Me and my children did not have anything to eat this weekend. I think they should have that every weekend.
While a primary entry may warrant a chuckle, it's generally the follow up comments that are really entertaining.
From Today's Journal:

From Martinsburg:

To the caller complaining about no hot dogs at the rest area: If you had money to buy gas to get there and back plus money for a donation, then you had the money to go buy a pack of hot dogs and cook them yourself. It probably would have been cheaper.
From Berkeley County:

Instead of munching on the free hot dogs, perhaps the caller from Berkeley County should spend time learning the English language. It's my children and I. Maybe if you spoke the king's English, you could get a job to feed your kids.
From Martinsburg:

In regard to the hotdogs: They are given out in hopes that the recipient will donate some money to the organization that is sponsoring the refreshment stand. If you feel that the hotdogs are there for you to take your children out for dinner, then maybe you should donate some time at the local soup kitchen and take your children. Then, when you are done donating your time at the kitchen, that's when you and your children be allowed to partake in the dinner.
I wonder how long this hot dog debate will continue? I'm pretty sure crosswalks for deer were discussed for at least a month. I give hot dogs 'til Veterans Day.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Luxury Steamer Anyone?

From Martinsburg:

My grandchildren's futures are being mortgaged for luxury steamer ovens for schools in Hagerstown. Another use of federal stimulus money that sure won't provide jobs, now or ever. Surreal. We need to vote for change all right.
When I first read this JJ, I just saw the words "luxury steamer" and couldn't understand why someone would be writing in about cruise ships. Then I saw that it was followed by "oven," but what is a steamer oven anyway?

Thanks Google:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Obviously it's a Housewarming Gift!

From Martinsburg:

To the person who dropped the TV off next to the for sale sign on Burke Street: Where is the recliner? Oh, wait a minute, that probably still is sitting on your front porch with you in it. You are a disgusting human.
What, you've never heard of a housewarming gift? Let's be honest: wouldn't you much rather have a TV than a fruit basket? Let's just hope they included the remote.  

Welcome to Wild, Wonderful Dysfunction Junction!

Every morning, the first thing I read in the Martinsburg Journal is this lovely little section in the editorials called Journal Junction (JJ). From politics to pest control, you never know what you'll find inside JJ! I consider it a good morning when I flip open the paper and there is an entire page devoted to these sometimes shameful, but always entertaining anonymous comments. Many a Monday morning email chain has been devoted to a particular entry, so I feel it's time to step things up. On this blog I will share my favorite post each day (ok I'll try REALLY hard to post every day but Sunday--no JJ on Sundays) along with my thoughts and hopefully yours too.