Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hot Diggity Dog

Today's JJ had not one, not two, but 3 entries devoted to hot dogs. Why you ask? They all stemmed from this comment on October 21:

From Berkeley County:
This past weekend was a holiday weekend, Columbus Day, and there were no hot dogs or anything at the rest areas. Me and my children did not have anything to eat this weekend. I think they should have that every weekend.
While a primary entry may warrant a chuckle, it's generally the follow up comments that are really entertaining.
From Today's Journal:

From Martinsburg:

To the caller complaining about no hot dogs at the rest area: If you had money to buy gas to get there and back plus money for a donation, then you had the money to go buy a pack of hot dogs and cook them yourself. It probably would have been cheaper.
From Berkeley County:

Instead of munching on the free hot dogs, perhaps the caller from Berkeley County should spend time learning the English language. It's my children and I. Maybe if you spoke the king's English, you could get a job to feed your kids.
From Martinsburg:

In regard to the hotdogs: They are given out in hopes that the recipient will donate some money to the organization that is sponsoring the refreshment stand. If you feel that the hotdogs are there for you to take your children out for dinner, then maybe you should donate some time at the local soup kitchen and take your children. Then, when you are done donating your time at the kitchen, that's when you and your children be allowed to partake in the dinner.
I wonder how long this hot dog debate will continue? I'm pretty sure crosswalks for deer were discussed for at least a month. I give hot dogs 'til Veterans Day.

1 comment:

  1. Always so many meaningful discussions in the junction. I missed these so thanks for sharing.
