Tuesday, February 1, 2011

You Know You Missed Me

Guess who's baaaaack?!?!?! So let's be frank here, Journal Junction was pretty awful for gee, I dont know, the past 9 months? Was Journal Junction on maternity leave or something?

Anyway, with the debut of a bigger, better JJ, I feel that it's my duty as a West Virginian (or am I a Virginian now) to once again showcase Journal Junction's finest faux pas in grammar, facts, and common sense.

Where do I even begin?

How about with an AMEN!

From Bunker Hill:

For all of you people who need to eat candy while you are in church: Please take it out of the wrapper and put it in a baggie so you don't disturb everyone around you. We came to hear the word of God.

Hold the presses. Are you referring to a PLASTIC bag?!

From Berkeley County:

In response to Delegate Doyle's HB2136 proposal to assess a 5-cent tax for each plastic bag received to carry your groceries: I have a suggestion for Doyle and his tax-and-spend junkies in Charleston ... why not submit a bill to assess politicians 5 cents for every time they open their mouth with a stupid idea to take more of my money? Heck, lets do this in every state. The deficit would be solved in a matter of months, and we'd end up with a surplus to sustain every entitlement program ever dreamed of by these goofballs! ...

Maybe we should just put a 10% tax on Church candy and  call it a day.

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