Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Turn that Frown Upside Down

From Jefferson County:

"Someone please tell the guy on NBC25 News he is not smiling, he is frowning!"

Silly newsman, don't you know that you're supposed to be grinning like the cheshire cat while you're reporting on death, destruction, and the decreasing dollar?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

You Know You Missed Me

Guess who's baaaaack?!?!?! So let's be frank here, Journal Junction was pretty awful for gee, I dont know, the past 9 months? Was Journal Junction on maternity leave or something?

Anyway, with the debut of a bigger, better JJ, I feel that it's my duty as a West Virginian (or am I a Virginian now) to once again showcase Journal Junction's finest faux pas in grammar, facts, and common sense.

Where do I even begin?

How about with an AMEN!

From Bunker Hill:

For all of you people who need to eat candy while you are in church: Please take it out of the wrapper and put it in a baggie so you don't disturb everyone around you. We came to hear the word of God.

Hold the presses. Are you referring to a PLASTIC bag?!

From Berkeley County:

In response to Delegate Doyle's HB2136 proposal to assess a 5-cent tax for each plastic bag received to carry your groceries: I have a suggestion for Doyle and his tax-and-spend junkies in Charleston ... why not submit a bill to assess politicians 5 cents for every time they open their mouth with a stupid idea to take more of my money? Heck, lets do this in every state. The deficit would be solved in a matter of months, and we'd end up with a surplus to sustain every entitlement program ever dreamed of by these goofballs! ...

Maybe we should just put a 10% tax on Church candy and  call it a day.