Friday, October 30, 2009

Please Fact Check

From Inwood:

I understand now how President Barack Obama got elected after reading some of the comments in Journal Junction. Some people will believe anything.

Whether you are on team O or not: West Virginia went for McCain, which kind of ruins your theory.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


From Hedgesville:

In reference to the northbound exit ramp at Exit 20 on Interstate 81: Vehicles turning east at the light are not stopping for the red light. This is extremely dangerous.

To the good people of the Eastern Panhandle: this is the best you can do? Come now, I know you have better (read: more entertaining) things to complain about than exit ramps.

While JJ has been snoozeville the past few days, I'm glad to see that the Martinsburg Police Department's blog, is still good for a chuckle or two. Speaking of laughing, what's with the happy mugshots? Did someone hire Captain Kangaroo to be the photographer? The only thing this fool should be happy about, is the fact that West Virginia doesn't have the death penalty (Photo: Martinsburg Journal).

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This isn't the Oscars

From Ranson:

My 94 year-old grandmother wanted me to send this. She says she is tired of hearing all the complaints that go in Journal Junction. She wants to hear something positive for a change. Let's commend the military personnel, firefighters and police officers who risk their lives so that we don't have to live in fear. Thank the doctors for saving lives, and applaud those in the school systems who teach our children to grow up to be educated so that they can one day give back to their communities as well.

Oh Grandma, JJ frequently has entries that acknowledge good deeds, jobs well done, and some even promote charitable donations (i.e. replacing a girl's stolen bicycle). But let's be honest: no one wants to sit down and read a bunch of sappy thank you notes over coffee, so save your "thank you's" for the Academy Awards.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Table Games on the Table: Know Your Voters

From Charles Town:

Charles Town Races & Slots wants the people to vote in table games, but what about the people who are out there who already have a gambling problem?

Call me crazy, but I bet they vote "Yes."

Monday, October 26, 2009

It's Called Sarcasm--Get It?

From Falling Waters:

In response to the Falling Waters person commenting on my comment about blinkers being an optional accessory: Of course it was a joke! My 7-year-old knows sarcasm when she hears it. I hope that no one in the Eastern Panhandle actually thinks that this comment was meant to be serious. My apologies if it was taken as such!
Did this person ever stop to consider that perhaps the responses were sarcastic as well?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hot Diggity Dog

Today's JJ had not one, not two, but 3 entries devoted to hot dogs. Why you ask? They all stemmed from this comment on October 21:

From Berkeley County:
This past weekend was a holiday weekend, Columbus Day, and there were no hot dogs or anything at the rest areas. Me and my children did not have anything to eat this weekend. I think they should have that every weekend.
While a primary entry may warrant a chuckle, it's generally the follow up comments that are really entertaining.
From Today's Journal:

From Martinsburg:

To the caller complaining about no hot dogs at the rest area: If you had money to buy gas to get there and back plus money for a donation, then you had the money to go buy a pack of hot dogs and cook them yourself. It probably would have been cheaper.
From Berkeley County:

Instead of munching on the free hot dogs, perhaps the caller from Berkeley County should spend time learning the English language. It's my children and I. Maybe if you spoke the king's English, you could get a job to feed your kids.
From Martinsburg:

In regard to the hotdogs: They are given out in hopes that the recipient will donate some money to the organization that is sponsoring the refreshment stand. If you feel that the hotdogs are there for you to take your children out for dinner, then maybe you should donate some time at the local soup kitchen and take your children. Then, when you are done donating your time at the kitchen, that's when you and your children be allowed to partake in the dinner.
I wonder how long this hot dog debate will continue? I'm pretty sure crosswalks for deer were discussed for at least a month. I give hot dogs 'til Veterans Day.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Luxury Steamer Anyone?

From Martinsburg:

My grandchildren's futures are being mortgaged for luxury steamer ovens for schools in Hagerstown. Another use of federal stimulus money that sure won't provide jobs, now or ever. Surreal. We need to vote for change all right.
When I first read this JJ, I just saw the words "luxury steamer" and couldn't understand why someone would be writing in about cruise ships. Then I saw that it was followed by "oven," but what is a steamer oven anyway?

Thanks Google:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Obviously it's a Housewarming Gift!

From Martinsburg:

To the person who dropped the TV off next to the for sale sign on Burke Street: Where is the recliner? Oh, wait a minute, that probably still is sitting on your front porch with you in it. You are a disgusting human.
What, you've never heard of a housewarming gift? Let's be honest: wouldn't you much rather have a TV than a fruit basket? Let's just hope they included the remote.  

Welcome to Wild, Wonderful Dysfunction Junction!

Every morning, the first thing I read in the Martinsburg Journal is this lovely little section in the editorials called Journal Junction (JJ). From politics to pest control, you never know what you'll find inside JJ! I consider it a good morning when I flip open the paper and there is an entire page devoted to these sometimes shameful, but always entertaining anonymous comments. Many a Monday morning email chain has been devoted to a particular entry, so I feel it's time to step things up. On this blog I will share my favorite post each day (ok I'll try REALLY hard to post every day but Sunday--no JJ on Sundays) along with my thoughts and hopefully yours too.