Wednesday, January 20, 2010

No One Puts Cry Baby in the Corner

"From Inwood:

 Could The Journal please, please create a new section and call it Cry Baby Corner? It would be used exclusively by the cry baby Republicans and the Democrats that plain out don't like black people to voice their opinions. This will leave the rest of us to enjoy the ... Journal Junction. After one year of this rhetoric from these cry babies, enough is enough!"

Let me be clear: under Inwood's terms and conditions, if you're still writing to JJ blaming Bush for the rising gas prices, then you are probably NOT a cry baby. Right, Inwood?


  1. This has got to be a hardcore liberal with problems facing reality. The reality being that George Bush may have been a shitty president but, Obama, or God as the Kool-aid drinking democrats call him, is just as bad. He, like Bush, is full of empty promises and has not done a thing to get us out of debt and to improve our economy. Prime example would be bailing out AIG which is a company that caused it's own destruction. I should know due to the fact that I sell insurance for ERIE insurance and used to sell AIG as well. Without going into details all I can say is with AIG I saw this coming and then to top it off, this jackass bails them out so that their CEO's can skip the country with millions of dollars in bonus checks and not have shit done about it instead of using the money to pay claims to their insureds and to their employess who deserved the money.

  2. To anonymous: Just wanted to say that I totally agree but uhhhhhhh, you kinda went off there a the end didn't you? Either way, your probably right in your opinion of what type of person called in this comment to the junction.
